Graston Technique

Graston Technique is one of the most popular treatment options for soft tissue injuries.

Graston Technique can play a vital part in the management of optimising your movement during rehabilitation. It is an Instrument Assisted Massage and is saupplementary method that enables our clinicians to effectively gain a deeper understanding of what issues you might have.

Graston Technique is an innovative stainless steel instrument that our physical therapists use to assist soft tissue mobilisation. This can help us restore your function and improve your range of motion.

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At Sheffield Sports Medicine, we have helped thousands of patients using Graston Technique. We have:

  • Reduced patients need to consume anti-inflammatory medication

  • Promoted faster recovery from illness and injuries

  • Treated acute conditions

  • Quickly broken down scar tissue from intense training

Graston technique can help with:

  • Achilles Tendinitis

  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

  • Neck Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Back and Shoulder Pain

  • Chronic Pain

  • Scarring, and more…

graston technique scar tissue break up

If you sustain an injury to your soft tissue, it can repair itself in an irregular fashion. This repair can create scar tissue. Although scar tissue isn't usually painful in itself, it can reduce your range of motion and lead to stiffness in the area, which can lead to pain. Scar tissue in the body can prevent muscles and fascia from moving normally and functioning optimally.

Graston Technique is the latest treatment that enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue by gently scraping or massaging the skin, brushing or rubbing the instrument against the grain of the scar tissue. This technique creates a small amount of trauma to the area resulting in inflammation. With this inflammation, blood circulation around the area is improved which assists the body in healing the soft tissues. By breaking down the scar tissue and creating an improved healing environment, Graston Technique can help restore function to injured tendons and fascia, pulled ligaments and strained muscles.

The specifically shaped, highly polished and smooth steel tools used for Graston Technique promote normal movement of the muscle fibres and fascia. They help alleviate niggles, without having to go too deep in some cases. Any feedback your therapist receives from these massage tools helps them to further identify any underlying issues. This means that your Graston Technique Practitioner is able to get a much clearer picture of what he/she has to work with so you can be out of pain quickly.

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graston technique practitioners uk

Our Graston Technique Practitioners at Sheffield Sports Medicine UK are highly skilled when it comes to delivering this treatment. They have all been to the USA to complete training in this modality and now, as a certified Graston Technique Practitioners, we teach other clinicians in the UK that want to be able to offer this amazing tools to their patients.



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