Food Allergy and Intolerance Test

Woman enjoying her food

Are you experiencing uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, constipation, or frequent headaches? Or are you struggling with more serious conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Acid Reflux Disease? We understand how frustrating it can be to deal with these symptoms on a daily basis.

At Sheffield Sports Medicine, we want to help you get to the root of the problem. Many of our patients have come to us because they're tired of suffering in silence. We offer food allergy and intolerance tests that can help identify whether certain foods are causing your symptoms.

By working with us, you can discover any intolerances or allergies that may be impacting your quality of life. Our team will guide you through the testing process and provide you with a personalized plan to address your symptoms. Don't let your symptoms control your life any longer - take the first step towards feeling better today.


Food allergy vs food intolerance

Have you ever wondered about the difference between food allergies and food intolerances? While allergies are often inherited and permanent, intolerances are when the body has a negative reaction to certain foods or drinks, resulting in symptoms like IBS, bloating, constipation, headaches, and low energy levels.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to identify the foods that are causing their symptoms, and continue to suffer in silence. That's where we come in. At Sheffield Sports Medicine, we offer food allergy and intolerance tests that can help pinpoint the specific foods that may be causing your discomfort.

Whether you're dealing with allergies, intolerances, or both, our team is here to help you take control of your symptoms and improve your quality of life. With our personalized approach to testing and treatment, you can finally get the answers you need to feel your best.


food intolerance test UK

When it comes to your health, you deserve the very best. That's why we've taken the extra step to source the UK's highest-rated allergy testing laboratories that test over 450 specific food items.

Our labs assess samples and raw data related to how your immune system responds to food (IgG4), and our team of experts carefully interprets this information to form a 15-page report that's easy and simple to read.


But that's not all. Our expert nutritionists are committed to providing personalized care to help you get back to feeling your best. With every test, we spend 30 minutes answering any questions you may have and formulating a plan to address your symptoms.

You don't have to continue suffering from symptoms like bloating, constipation, and low energy levels. Take the first step towards a healthier you by clicking the button below to contact us to see how our experts can help you live with a healthier/happier guts.


Food Intolerance Test in Sheffield - How it works

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Before we conduct a Food Intolerance Test with you, we have an Initial Consultation.

We take a detailed case history and assessment of you, your goals and needs.

We will discuss with you your lifestyle, any problematic foods that you are aware of, what is needed to optimise your nutrition to reach your goal. We will also talk to you about what symptoms you have, how long you've had them and how severe they are for you. Once we have conducted the initial consultation, if our expert nutritionists think it would be suitable, we will suggest you have a food intolerance test.

To conduct the food intolerance test, we take a hair sample. We then send it off to the laboratories where they analyse the blood in the hair follicles against 450 every day food intolerances including fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and gluten.

Our food intolerance test also includes 3 bonuses:

  • The test results of any non-food item intolerances

  • A Personalised Report detailing the amount of vitamins and minerals you need to function at your best

  • A Metal Toxicity test to see if you're allergic or intolerant to certain metals

When your test results come back, we will book another appointment with you to go through your report and discuss the findings. This part of the process is essential to moving forward in improving and eliminating your symptoms that are specific to your lifestyle and goals.


The support and advice from our expert Nutritionists is second-to-none.


With years of study and clinical experience behind us, we work closely with you to find the best diet choices for you that will help you achieve your goals. We're here with you every step of the way.

Our Food Intolerance Test has helped thousands of patients:

  • Beat low energy levels

  • Break a constant cycle of headaches

  • Conquer bloating and constipation

  • Improve symptoms of acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome

By using our comprehensive testing methods, we are able to accurately find out your food intolerances and show you the best plan of action to help prevent these symptoms from returning.

Get in touch with one of our experts by clicking the link below if you'd like to eradicate your symptoms too!


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