Neck Pain from Sitting at a Desk

Here at Sheffield Sports Medicine, we get a lot of people coming in to clinic with neck pain. One of the common culprits of neck pain is spending many hours working at a computer at a desk. Sound familiar?

Today we’re sharing our tips and tricks for people who spend a lot of time at a desk and often experience neck, back or shoulder pain.

Our Top Tips for Neck Pain When Working

1.       Keep your computer at eye level.

By neither looking down or looking up, you won’t be straining the muscles in your neck. Having your monitor at eye level, you will be looking directly ahead, keeping your spine nice and neutral.

2.       Get a good chair

You want a chair that is comfortable and that promotes the natural curve in your spine. When you’re sitting on your chair, keep your feet flat on the floor.

3.       Keep everything in arms reach.

By keeping everything a reachable distance away, you won’t be straining too far over, exerting extra pressure on your spine and putting your muscles in compromising positions.

4.       Move!

Every 30 minutes to an hour, get up and move around. Stretch and keep active. Make sure you're not sitting for too long. This tip is probably the most important of all and we would advise that you practice this one first.

Stretches for Neck Pain

We’ve told you that you need to move more, but how?

Here are some easy stretches and exercises that you can do at your desk now that can help reduce the pain you’re in.

  • In a seated position, cross your arms over one another

  • Rotate as far as you can, each side

Neck movements. You can do these sitting or standing:

  • Tuck your chin to your chest, putting your neck in flexion

  • Look up to the ceiling in extension

Stretch your neck laterally either side by taking your ears to your shoulders.

Rotate your neck by looking as far as you can around, both sides.

And another really good one is a the chin tuck.

  • For the chin tuck, start with your chin in a normal, neutral position.

  • Tuck it by gently pushing it back with two fingers and holding the stretch for 10 seconds.

It's important to do these exercises every so often so you keep moving and keep active. You will find that this helps with your pain, productivity and energy levels too!

If you have any questions about any of the tips or stretches we’ve shared in this blog, please get in touch here. We’re looking forward to seeing you in clinic again soon!