Adrenal Fatigue - What Is It?

sleepy tired dog

Do you ever get tired, sleepy or have low energy levels?

Today, we're going help you discover, if you have these symptoms, why do they even happen?

It could be due to something called adrenal fatigue.

But of course adrenal fatigue isn't a medical term.

It's actually an umbrella term for all these different symptoms.

And if you've been struggling with adrenal fatigue or with any of these symptoms.

The real question is why?

What Do The Adrenal Glands Do?

Of course a lot of people ask us, what are the adrenal glands? What do they even do?

The adrenal gland basically creates a lot of different hormones.

The number one hormone it makes is adrenaline. You've probably heard of adrenaline. Adrenaline is essentially a survival hormone.

And we call it fight or flight.

Fight or Flight

Here's an example: if a a lion came into our clinic, we're either going to fight it, or going to run. And we'll be sweating before we even move anywhere because we're fearing for our lives.

And the thing is, if that's constantly working for no apparent reason, the adrenal glands are going to burn out.

And of course these are the reasons why people actually get poor night's sleep. When they wake up they actually don't feel rested.

So when when we see patients like this, it's really important to find out what happens.

What Happened?

So the first thing is to figure out if you have any of these symptoms is when did it start?

Because the truth is that you weren't born with it. It started at a specific time.

And it's usually a trauma.

So once you can find that trauma, the next thing you need to do is need to find an expert.

Find An Expert

Find an expert that knows how to unpack the brain and unpack the adrenal glands.

And find out why are you suffering with these symptoms.

So here at Sheffield Sports Medicine you know that we specifically look at the causes of problems. And that actually comes down to the neurology and how the brain creates these problems and usually it's a faulty protective mechanism.

Am I willing to live this way for the rest of my life?

The third thing you need to do if you have any of these symptoms is you need to ask yourself this question.

Am I willing to live this way for the rest of my life?

Because we're real believers that no one should be suffering in life. Their body used to operate perfectly at some point in their life. And it's about finding out what caused what so that we can optimise their system again.

So we hope that these questions have helped you unpack what adrenal fatigue is. Ask the question, why is this happening? And if you have any other questions we really want to help out and reach out to you guys. Just put your questions in the comments below and we're more than happy to respond to them.

If you know someone that does have tiredness, low energy, they can't sleep, they've got insomnia or when they wake up they just feel even more exhausted, share this post with them and we're sure they'll love you for it because you're doing something to help them with their life which ultimately could make them happy too.