Stretches Before Bed To Ease The Body And Mind

Do you ever find you're going to be feeling anxious?

Your head is whirring?

You just can't switch off?

Doing some stretches before bed can be highly beneficial in helping relax both your mind and body before settling in for sleep!

It's really important after a long day at work that you're relaxing your body and de-stressing and stretching can help with this so you get a good night's rest ready for the next day.

Here are some of our favourite stretches to do before bed. With all of these stretches, you can enjoy them for as long as you want. We would recommend that you hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds and do them 3 times. Enjoy relaxing into these stretches with nice deep breaths. If it hurts though, you must stop!

Stretches Before Sleep

Child’s Pose

child pose stretch
  1. Get onto onto your knees and sit down on to your feet

  2. Reach as far as you can forwards

  3. Relax into that position. Allow your lower back to open up.

Knee Hugs

Knee hugs stretch
  1. Lie onto your back

  2. Bring your knee to your chest

  3. Then repeat with the other leg

You can also do this with both knees up towards your chest at the same time!

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly pose stretch
  1. Sit on your sit bones with your back straight

  2. Bend your knees and bring your feet together in front of your body with your toes, and heels pressed against each other

  3. Keep your hands on your feet

  4. If you'd like to increase the stretch, keep your feet together and bring your heels as close to the groin area as comfortable

  5. Or another way to stretch your abductors further is to push your legs down slightly with your elbows

Lunge Stretch

Lunge stretch
  1. Get yourself into a lunge position and just lean forwards to stretch your hip flexors

  2. Relax your hips making sure that you're not leaning too far backwards but your back is nice and neutral

Bear Hug

bear hug stretch

The bear hug is a lovely stretch for your mid back, you can sit or stand for this one.

  1. Begin with your arms straight out to your side at shoulder height

  2. Cross both arms across the opposite side of your body as if you were trying to give yourself a big hug

  3. Try and grab on to the back of your shoulders and squeeze, rounding your shoulders and holding.

Let us know how you get on with these stretches and of course, if you have any questions then get in touch.