Cranial Sacral Therapy UK


Cranial Sacral Therapy is an essential part if our service offerings here at Sheffield Sports Medicine. Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, light-touch, hands-on treatment that works with the soft tissue and flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head (cranium) and the base of the spine (sacrum). Our experts use this therapy because we have found it to be an incredibly effective way to support your body to become balanced, optimised and robust. Cranial Sacral Therapy supports your body's innate ability to heal itself, reduce stress and build energy.

Cranial Sacral Therapy has it's roots in Osteopathy, founded by Osteopath William Garner Sutherland in the 1900s. Sutherland noticed that cranial bones have a very subtle motion and that cereborospinal fluid that surrounds our brain and nervous system has its own pulse. He also discovered the presence of tides in the body that he believed were connected to the cerebral spinal fluid that bathes our central nervous system. Our therapists feel for these tides to help enhance your health.


Since its discovery in 1900, Cranial Sacral Therapy has gained a brilliant reputation as a complementary therapy in helping people with:

  • General pain

  • Chronic pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Migraines

  • Neck pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Quality of life improvements, and more!

All of your body parts work together as a team. If one of your team members is not doing its job, the others have to compensate and pick up the slack. Your head is a key player in your team and if it isn't functioning as it should, it can cause back pain, pelvic pain, headaches and more.

Your head is closely connected to your pelvis. We see hundreds of patients with problems in these areas which can arise due to several different reasons. Most often due to trauma to the head or pelvis. In fact, this is a common (re)occurrence with mothers after labour as the pelvis generally does not realign and becomes unstable. Cranial Sacral Therapy at Sheffield Sports Medicine is an effective pelvis and back pain treatment as our experts work with you to reset the pelvis and head.

People receiving craniosacral therapy, have reported improvements in emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

One of the wonderful things about Cranial Sacral Therapy is that, because it is so gentle, it is suitable for any age and any health condition. Our therapists at Sheffield Sports Medicine have used Cranial Sacral Therapy on every age, from newborn babies to the elderly.

Our Craniosacral Therapists are highly skilled in using this technique which has an enormous effect on relieving pain and dysfunction, optimising muscle function and reducing of organ dysfunction.   

If you would like to find out about Cranial Sacral Treatment and how it might you help with a pain or discomfort you are struggling with, then get in touch here.

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