Diagnostic Ultrasound

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Have you been in pain for a long time? Perhaps you've tried all the treatments but none of them are proving helpful? Here at Sheffield Sports Medicine, we have found Diagnostic Ultrasound to be an extremely beneficial tool to help diagnose problems. By finding out what's going on structurally and finding out the root cause, we can treat the symptoms and help you with your pain. Diagnostic Ultrasound helps to determine whether there has been structural changes to the bone, ligament, tendon, muscle or joint.

What is Diagnostic Ultrasound and how does it work?


Ultrasound is soundwaves that have frequencies so high that humans can't hear them. These sound waves are then able to create an image of internal body structures (the image produced is called a sonogram). Using diagnostic ultrasound we can see organs, tissues and other structures inside your body. There is no waiting time, and unlike MRI, CT and X-Rays, you don’t' have to worry about claustrophobia or having to sit still for a long period of time.

 We use diagnostic ultrasound because:

  • It is a non-invasive medical technique

  • It does not use radiation

  • The image is instant and it can also show parts of the body in motion such as impingements of tendons in joints

Using our Fujifil Sonosite Edge II Ultrasound machine, we are able to get a clear picture of what is going on structurally. We can gain real-time feedback and perform dynamic manoeuvres. We are able to make diagnosis so we can quickly and effectively treat your symptoms and eliminate them for good. Once we find the root cause of your pain, we are able to suggest a wide variety to treatments that can help you feel your best again.

Ultrasound Guided Injection

Sometimes we find that the Diagnostic Ultrasound shows that there is no structural damage. We then know that your pain is a neurological dysfunction and we can treat this with Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy . If, however, structural damage is found, our experts are fully qualified and insured to administer Ultrasound Guided Injections.

Ultrasound guided injections are a safe and non-invasive way of treating pain, inflammation and reduced joint mobility. Ultrasound guided injections are similar to conventional injections except that they are faster, more accurate, and often less traumatic because your therapist has the live images of your internal body structures guiding them. Your therapist can determine the optimal injection placement by using this ultrasound imaging, rather than relying on touch. This medical imaging gives your therapist a clear, detailed image to guide the insertion of the needle and administration of the medicine.


If you would like to find out more about our Ultrasound Guided Injections then click the button to contact us now


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